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21st Century Revelation: World Wars, Iraq Wars & End Wars
Creation to Laodicea Trailer

YouTube Video (TBA)

Table of Contents


  1. Does Prophecy Matter?
  2. End Times Defined


  3. The Throne of God
  4. The Revelation of Jesus Christ

God’s Word

  5. Study the Bible
  6. Symbols Revealed
  7. Prophets and Prophecy
  8. Prophecy Fulfilled

God’s Time

  9. In the Beginning, God
10. Seven Days of God
11. The Feast of Trumpets
12. Fall Jewish Feasts
13. Minor Feasts, Major Events
14. Israel’s Time Out
15. Daniel’s 70 Weeks
16. The Life of Christ
17. Basic Bible Chronology
18. Spring Forward or Fall Back?

God’s Plan for Our Time

19. Church Age & End Times
20. Players in the Game
21. Four Horses on the Run
22. Keys to the Trumpets
23. World Wars, Cold War
24. Between Iraq and a Hard Place
25. Iraq War III


26. What Kind of People Ought You to Be?
27. The End of the Beginning